Posts in Machines

Shameful Deception: Exposing the Scandal of Fake Speakers

The tech community is grappling with the revelation that the DevTernity conference knowingly deceived attendees by fabricating speaker profiles. The audacious act involved creating imaginary personas, including the prominent figures Anna Boyko, Alina Prokhoda, Natalie Stadler, and Julia Kirsina.

December 15, 2023

The Art of In-Product Marketing: Adding Value, Not Creepiness

There's a fine line between offering users valuable insights and crossing into the realm of creepy and intrusive practices. In this blog post, we'll explore the world of in-product marketing and how to employ it effectively without making your users feel uncomfortable or creeped out.

October 14, 2023

Establish a culture of experimentation

The Marketer's Guide to Continuous Learning - Testing is an often overlooked aspect of Marketing. There's usually not a great amount of support for failing and given the pressures of Marketing most are risk adverse. This is exactly the opposit attitude you need for a progressive group. You want to push boundries, you need to push boundries!

June 17, 2023

Why Old Isn't Always Wrong

In marketing, where trends evolve at the speed of light, it's easy to dismiss old methods as outdated. But are they wrong/outdated, or just waiting for a fresh perspective?

April 10, 2023

Content Gating

We want personal data in exchange for content we kill ourselves to create. We also want to establish ourselves as thought leader and have a degree of authority in our space. There has always been a need to balance these objectives while we earn some trust. If prospects don’t trust us, we won’t see results no matter how fine-tuned our gated content strategy is. So how far do you go? What are the rules?

March 10, 2023

Building the machine

You might think it's not important to document the Martech you use but I'd suggest that shoud you choose not to you'll eventually run into overlap as well as compliance concerns. In this post we'll focus on the why take the time to do it and what benefit's it'll have.

February 15, 2023

Rethinking Live Chat: Is it Time for a More Focused Approach

Live chat functionality has long been a popular feature on websites, providing users real-time assistance. However, this tool isn’t without its challenges. Often, live chat is perceived as a support tool, but what if it could be more than that? In this blog post, we explore the idea of a new live chat experiment that uses generative AI to boost engagement and conversions among a specific audience – those interested in downloading open-source or free products.

January 10, 2023

The Digital Marketing Landscape New Rules

We want personal data in exchange for content we kill ourselves to create. We also want to establish ourselves as thought leader and have a degree of authority in our space. There has always been a need to balance these objectives while we earn some trust. If prospects don’t trust us, we won’t see results no matter how fine-tuned our strategy. So how far do you go - and how has COVID impacted you? What are the rules?

January 10, 2021

Operational Efficiencies in Marketing

2021 must be focused on minimizing unnecessary and unproductive expenses and delivering sales qualified leads that convert to opportunities - it’s really that simple. The marketing pendulum must dramatically shift towards an Agile but deliberate approach (scrappy) focused on Net New and away from branding exercises and vanity metrics. This is supported by the fact that many companies truly don’t have a branding budget, nor should they be allowed one until they have their story completed and vetted with a mapped execution strategy.

November 8, 2020